Over the years Watec has refined and redefined low-light gathering cameras through our innovative and proprietary designs. From the beginning, Watec’s 902H and later the 910HX series video cameras have lead the way in true low light gathering technology. Watec’s dedication to a higher level of quality and charged with continuing to lead the industry with clear HD imagery in low light environments, Watec has again redefined low-light viewing standards by upgrading the 900 series cameras to provide the ultimate in no-light viewing conditions.

In replacing our 902H legacy series, the mission was clear, but not easy.. build the ultimate low light camera that would accommodate the most popular video interfaces in use today. While we couldn’t build one miniature camera that would satisfy 4 separate video types, we built 4 separate cameras each designed to accommodate a specific interface, providing you options to meet nearly any project requirement. Watec not only developed an analog replacement (WAT-3500: 0.00003Lux), but also a full HD IP (WAT-933IP: 0.00007Lux) option, an SDI (WAT-3200: 0.00005lux) option and a USB (WAT-07U2 series: 0.0001lux) option. These new series models not only outperform the 902H series in low light gathering capabilities, but are also fully adjustable, allowing you the capability to customize your cameras to your project demands.

Low Light Technology Markets
The low light technology industry is a very niche market, and one that demands the very best in quality. Real low light gathering results are mission critical as without them, the heard and not seen “bump in the night” can turn deadly. Customers who require true low light camera performance, know what they need and know what the objective is, but not necessarily know who can help them achieve the required performance or how to avoid low-light camera imposters… Unfortunately many self-proclaimed “low-light camera” manufacturers aren’t necessarily what they advertise to be.. Many promote they meet Watec’s industry setting standard of 0.0003lux/no light rating, but a side by side comparison will quickly demonstrate the competition falls short. At Watec, we use only high grade components, we triple and in some cases quadruple layer our board designs to keep temperatures down, further reducing noise to maintain image clarity and paired with our patented low light technology, we are able to offer the lowest light gathering cameras available.

Along the way, there have been many imitation products that claim to achieve our original 0.0003lux rating, but 0.003lux is more the reality in many cases. For these manufacturers, 0.0003lux is simply a marketing attempt, aimed at winning over the customer with slashed pricing and fabricated specifications… And be sure, this comes at a cost. Below is a video of the 910HX series Watec camera and a competitors’ camera claiming to have the 0.0003lux rating. As you will see, there is NO comparison. Enjoy and please visit our YouTube channel YouTube/WatecCameras and stay up to date on WAT’s new by following us on FACEBOOK/WatecCameras